Everything I can’t do

We sometimes go to great lengths to try and bluff our way through life, pretending to be capable of anything and everything. But Dutch journalist Rim Voorhaar had made his peace with all the things he can’t do. The article is published in issue 15 and here’s a taster of the feature.

A few years ago, I gave in; I had to make peace with my lack of competence. And I have to say, it was a huge relief. I was sick and tired of it. Why do I have to be able to do everything? It turns out to just be the done thing in our society. According to Dutch psychologist Ineke Lauwen, “People expect us to be able to do everything, or at least to pretend that we can. While it really is only human to have limitations. We have no choice but to live with our limitations. I think it’s a mark of self-knowledge when someone admits they are not able to do something. When you do that, you are opening up the possibility to ‘connect human-to-human in a real and authentic way’. And it often elicits a helpful response from the other person, too.”

  • You can read the article in Issue 15, which is available in our shop.

Text Rim Voorhaar Photography Caroline Coehorst