A visit from Uppercase

Left: Janine Vangool, further from left to right: Astrid, Irene and Jocelyn.

A few times a year I happily jump on my bike when the book shop phones to tell me the new Uppercase has arrived. (these days we also get a copy at Flow headquarters, but I take a childish pride in having my own, pristine, collection at home.) All on her own in Canada, Janine Vangool puts together one of the most fun magazines in the world. A magazine for the creative and curious. Filled with illustrators, collectors and creative people who are coming up with wonderful stuff in their workshops. Happy, stunning and inspiring. At the moment she is visiting The Netherlands and this morning she came by to say hello because we occasionally mail back and forth, Flow and Uppercase. The team at Flow is pretty tiny, but she does it all on her own. How very brave. Every once in a while she will rope in her mum to help out, for instance to machine stitch borders onto a couple of hundred copies of Uppercase books. Suddenly we see lots of potential in our own mums…. Posted by: AstridÂ