Hi Jennifer Orkin Lewis!

Each month, we invite an inspiring illustrator or creative to compile a Friends of Flow board for us on Pinterest. During March, it was the turn of illustrator Flora Waycott, who collated a whole load of inspiring images as our Guest Pinner. Thanks Flora! Flora likes to use soft colors in her work, which she describes as “precise but playful, and with great attention to detail,” and this is reflected in the images she collected:




You can see Flora’s Pinterest board here, and more of her work can be found on her website, where you can also order her illustrations via her web shop.

And now, Flora is passing the “pin” over to Jennifer Orkin Lewis (August Wren), who will be sharing her finds with us through the month of April. Jennifer is a New York-based illustrator and she is known for her daily sketchbook project, for which she has drawn for half an hour every day for the past three years. You can find Jennifer Orkin Lewis’ work in, for example, the New York Times, and her drawings are also appearing more often in Flow too. She recently illustrated a feature in Dutch Flow about reading, and she shared one of her favorite drawing tips with us for our Flow Sketchbook special. Intrigued by what she’s going to pin? Then keep an eye on her board here.

You can find more of Jennifer’s work—including nearly everything from her daily sketchbook—on her website.

Illustration Jennifer Orkin Lewis